Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sooooo... Its been a while...

Long time ago I was working on this site... does anybody even read this... I hope yes... nothing yet... still making epic battles in my mind. But still the project is stopped... but it isn't dead just give me some time to spare some time and I'll be posting stuff on... just some advances on the characters... yes we have Ramona, nop, no Scott, we have Gideon, our main character Drake McTavish we got Jenny and William, Debbie, Dave and many other guys that will help Drake... I hope this isn't the last entry of the week... But seriously, does anybody read this?

Monday, October 31, 2011

The first Bad News :'( or not?

Vs The Animation (the cartoons)is going to be delayed and not presented at mid 2012 as planned, instead I'll be doing the comic version which I was afraid of making but many friends encouraged me to do them, I guess is as win situation. I'll keep you guys posted on every situation. I'll try to upload files ASAP. Any pictures or anything will be posted in the resources page, as soon as make it still procrastinating it. But don't worry, probably before the end of this month (Nov) I'll upload many things I've been saving for a special occasion. Yes the end of November is a special occasion.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Beginning

Everything begins with a white page, everything. I started this a few days after finishing reading the books and watching the movie. If things go the way I hope, this is going to be my major life work. Right now I'm working on some upcoming tittles, their comic and cartoon version, the cartoon version may come sometime later, plus the original Scott Pilgrim animation. This was inspired from a 3 minute clip of the same name by [adult swim] if you want more details in this clip you can check my resources page, when I make one. Also I'm working in a small project called SubSpace which will talk about its beginning. Many of the news are going to be published via Twitter so don't forget to follow me for the latest news.